
June 8, 2012

Honoured to be named one of Vintage Living's must-read vintage blogs

With the tagline "Bygone fashion in a modern era", it's easy to see why I've fallen head-over-heels for a budding online vintage and retro lifestyle magazine called, aptly, Vintage Living. This in-the-works magazine is slatted to launch its first edition this coming fall, and I'm thoroughly excited for that to happen. In the meantime though (and certainly once the magazine is underway), Vintage Living has launched a thoroughly enjoyable companion blog, which went live last month.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Vintage Living, and have since had the pleasure of getting to know one of the driving forces behind this new online publication through email. As one might imagine, we both share a lifelong love of, and vested interest in, all things vintage, and it's awesome to get to watch the direction in which this magazine and its website are heading.

Recently Vintage Living featured a post on their blog called Must-Read Vintage Blogs | Meet the Bloggers, a roundup of some of their favourite vintage fashion bloggers. We're talking big, household (amongst vintage lovers) names here, folks, so it was with no small amount of delight that I just about jumped out of my seat when I found out that Chronically Vintage was to be included amongst this small list of beloved bloggers.

To quote the post itself, "VL may be new to the blogsphere, but we’re no stranger to the world of blogging. We sorted through thousands of vintage blogs, taking a look which were the most popular with readers and garnered the most respect from other bloggers (based on praise heaped upon them and incoming links). Then we visited the blogs for a test drive.

When all was said done, we compiled a list of the most fun, interesting, useful and influential vintage blogs out there and then asked the bloggers behind them to reveal what drew them to the vintage lifestyle and blogging, in their own words."

Must Read Vintage Blogs Meet the Bloggers Vintage Living article, Jessica Cangiano

{A screenshot of my write-up in Vintage Living's list of
Must Read Vintage Bloggers. What a marvelous honour it is to be a part of this illustrious group of fellow vintage blogging gals.}


Shortlisted down to a selection of eight names, each of which is featured with a photograph of, and quotes from (or info on), that person, this post does a superb job of highlighting some of the cream of the crop of the vintage blogging world, and I truly can't begin to thank Vintage Living enough for including me as part of it.

To read the whole post and learn more about Vintage Living, be sure to check out their frequently updated blog. I have a great feeling about this new force in the vintage lifestyle world and suspect we'll be hearing a lot more about Vintage Living in the weeks and months to come.


  1. Congratulations! What a great honor. It's great that more vintage/retro magazines are being printed.

  2. How utterly marvellous, and completely well-deserved.

  3. Thank you so much for honoring US with such a kind and wonderful post! You clearly are passionate about the vintage lifestyle and deserved to be recognized as one of the best bloggers out there. Keep up the great work, Jessica! :-)

  4. Well done, I'm chaffed you were featured!

  5. Congrats Jessica! That's quite and honor, and your do deserve it! Sounds like great fun too.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) and this is a must read blog and im so happy it was recognized as such!! :) this blog have always been such a joy to read even before i started blogging, so when i created my blog, i found yours and hit the follow button as fast as i could haha! :) and i cant wait so see the amazing things that will come out of this!! :)

    a million hugs and congratulations,

  7. Well done Jessica. To be listed as a 'must read vintage blog' is indeed an honour. Everywhere one looks on the Internet today blogs abound as I'm sure you are aware. Unfortunately blogs are a mystery to me and will forever remain so. That's okay with me because I follow clever bloggers like you who bring different and interesting dimensions to my daily life.

  8. how wonderful! many, many congratulations. you wholly deserve it! well done!

  9. Oh congratulations Jessica! I'm so happy for you! It is for sure an honor and you deserve it! :D

  10. Congrats! You and the other ladies definitely deserve it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Best Wishes,

  11. I am so happy and proud of you! You totally deserve this!!!! The article is fantastic! I am just so happy for you!!!!! xox

  12. I'm so happy for you Jessica, congratulations!!!

  13. Congratulations - you must be so thrilled. I shall go and check out the Vintage Living blog later today.

  14. Woohoo! Congratulations! And well deserved an honor indeed. :) They have excellent taste. Love your blog; it's one of my favorites. Happy you received this recognition, Jessica. Have a wonderful rest-of-weekend!


  15. Wonderful, congratulations and much deserved! Your blog can always be counted on for a fun and thoughtful post!

  16. Congratulations Jessica, well deserved. x

  17. So tired of this jeans-only society that women live in now. Fashion today does not really appreciate women enough--it really devalues them. Thank you for celebrating the beautiful-- in so many senses of the word--female fashions of the glorious past!

  18. Congrats, Jessica :) Great news!

  19. How loveley! And well-deserved!

  20. Deepest thanks, wonderful ladies (and gent), I truly appreciate your immensely sweet congratulatory comments. This blog would not be the same without you, so the honour is as much yours as it is mine.

    ♥ Jessica

  21. Congratulations Jessica! So happy for you and you most certainly deserve it. xx

  22. Congratulations on this deserved honour. I love your blog and I'm so happy to see it recognized in such a lovely manner!
