
April 6, 2012

What have you always loved?

The recent events surrounding our cross country move have had me reflecting lately on an interesting topic: what are some of the things (not people, that’s an entirely different subject unto itself) that I've loved throughout all of my life?

You may wonder how moving ties into this topic, so I'll happily dish the details. Two things in particular have brought this thought to the forefront of my mind. For starters, in the weeks immediately before we hopped from Ontario to B.C., I made the decision to sell off most of two collections of items (Japanese Re-Ment brand miniatures and Pullip dolls, respectively) that I'd been amassing for nearly five years.

The key reasons why I decided to do so were to a.) raise additional funds for the move and the expansion of my wardrobe (which, as you may recall, was/is one of my goals for 2012), and b.) because it meant that there would be a little less to pack with us (an important point when you dealing with movers who charge you both on distance traveled and the weight of your belongings).

These two collections - one (Re-Ment miniatures) much larger than the other - were no less important to, or beloved by, me than ever. Rather, I believed (correctly, I'm glad to report) that the money I knew I could get for selling them could be put to better use right here and now at this stage in my life. I'll always adore Japanese toys and dolls, but my interests at the moment aren't focused on those areas of collecting, so it didn’t make a world of sense to hold onto these items any longer.

The second reason that I've been reflecting on the subject of lifelong loves is because the town that Tony and I moved to, just happens to be one of the two in which I spent a solid chunk of my youth. For several years of my childhood and teenage years, the charming city of Penticton (located a few hours north east of Vancouver, in the gloriously sun-kissed Okanagan Valley) was my home.

From classrooms to skating rinks, quaint back allies to the bustle of main street, through some of the best and worst moments of my formative years, I lived, breathed, and walked amongst the buildings and landscapes of a town that now, for the first time, my husband and I get to experience together.

With so many thoughts pertaining to, and a solid knowledge of, the area, I've naturally been taking a long distance run down memory lane as of late. Starting many a conversation and observation with phrases like "Oh, I remember", "We used to", "Back when I was growing up", and other similar sentiments.

These sprints through the halls of time cannot help but make me take stock of what elements in my life I've loved, cherished, and held a vested interest in since I was a little girl (we moved to Penticton about a month before my 9th birthday).

{Life is abundantly peppered with all kinds of loves. Some are short lived, whereas others stick with us throughout all of our days and never fail to garner revisiting time and time again. Charmingly pretty vintage postcard image via Jerub Baal on Flickr.}

It's entirely normal like or love tons of things throughout your lifetime that only end being a part of your world for a while. From passing fashion trends to TV shows, childhood hobbies to food crazes, there's something downright wonderful about getting to experience new likes that eventually make way for others. Yet few amongst us are without a solid list of things that we've loved since we were little kids.

As someone whose tastes have always veered on the eclectic, varied, and abundant (as in I have scads of interests) side of things, I'd imagine that a complete list - if such a thing were possible - of things I've always adored would run well into the hundreds – or more!

It's easy to pick out some however, and I plan on doing just that in a future post. Today though, what I'm curious about, sweet friends, are some of things - they can be anything from a brand of soap to a breed of cats, vintage shoes to a sports team - that, for just about as far back in the pages of your own life's history, you can remember loving and which you still have a passion for today?

I believe that such ongoing interests shape and help define who we are. They can lead to careers, possibly contribute to how we meet our significant others, take us to foreign lands, bring us both joy and sorrow, and are amongst the topics we turn to first when carrying on a conversation. They've been with us so long as it's as though they've become an invisible part of our DNA. Always there, constantly important, and perpetually meaningful.

What have you always loved? Let me know in the comments below and next Friday (one week from now), I'll randomly select one person who leaves a comment as the winner of a little surprise gift pack of assorted items (think items pertaining to crafting, vintage fashion, etc) that tie into some of the things I've adored throughout the course of my own life.


  1. This subject really got my interest and made me think! I guess I have always loved bears and pretty handmade items such as Raggedy Ann and bears. Now I love all vintage things from the '50s and '60s that I grew up with. I'm sending you best wishes for your move! I hopped over from Imagi Meri's! ♥

  2. Vintage tablecloths! My "Nana" lived with us and I vividly remember sitting at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, over one of the colorful printed tablecloths.

    This is a great post. Look forward to coming back and reading others comments.

  3. i have vivid memories of childhood, so i could go on forever, but i will limit this to the first couple things i think of....
    ~the smell of a new box of lovely pointy crayons
    ~the library
    ~beautiful high heels
    ~the perfect blue sky in the first part of june, when the whole summer stretches before me.

  4. What a great idea. I have gone through a lot of phases and tastes in my life but a couple of permanant things that come to mind are:

    Gardening. Pretty much as soon as I could coordinate my arms as a baby I like to pick up handfuls of soil or of grass/flowers. when I was a bit older I had my own little flowerbed which I was thrilled with. Even when I was being a cool teenager I still had my plot in the garden! Now it is my main way to relax and switch off from the stresses of life.


    Snoopy. My love of all things Snoopy has been a constant throughout my life and I can't see that ever changing. Linus is the best!

  5. For as long as I can remember I've adored Marilyn Monroe and the fashions of the fifties. I don't know why I haven't just let the dresses of the day just take over my closet! I used to have a huge collection of Marilyn memorabilia but my ex sold it all - he was a serious drug addict before I got the strength to throw him out. I miss looking at the beautiful dolls and plates that I had.
    Most of my other interests have grown and evolved with me. Hm...I wonder if netflix has Seven Year Itch!

  6. I have always loved traveling to new places. Even if there is nothing terribly exciting or exotic, I just love having the chance to explore. I love Barns, farms and gardens. I love and am fascinated by bee hives. I'd love to keep bees someday, but need some schooling on it first. :)

    I also love vintage hats, shoes and especially jewelry. I have amassed a pretty large collection, and lately have been buying only things that I can truly wear or must have. Otherwise I would be on an episode of Hoarders, because I used to buy things just because they were old and I find old things irresistible! I find that vintage jewelry is easiest because I can store it away and look at it when I please, or wear it if I want.
    I love pictures, new & old, but especially black and white. I am currently obsessed with vintage pictures of dogs.
    I love the smell of sweetpeas which remind me of my mom. And I love the smell of vanilla which reminds me of home.
    I love bowls. For some reason at antique stores I always find at least 3 that I have to take home.
    I love vintage books. (I am always intrigued by the pictures.) I also love cupcakes of all sizes and flavors. And finally I love neon. Being an 80's kid I am always reminded of the crazy fluorescent patterned tights I used to wear. I love that it is back with vengeance this year!!

  7. That's an easy one for me: CATS! I don't know what it is about felines but I just love them so much. When I was a little girl I used to collect cats, I had soooo many figurines and just anything "cat". Cat sweaters, cat bags, cat backpack for school, anything and everything had to be cat-themed.... Oh, did I mention I once stole a cat when I was 4 years old... Hahaha. I don't remember this but my mom tells me every time I visit her; Apparently one year when we were on vacation I randomly brought back a kitty, and My dad decided we should keep her. She got hit by a car two years later, but I remember her so well. She was a sweetheart! Since, my family "adopted" 2 more homeless kitties - by now they're 17 and 8! :)

    Sigh... I just love cats. You may call me Eleanor Abernathy...

    Good luck for your move! It can be quite stressful, but I hope you get settled in quickly.

    And sorry for the novel, I just get so excited when talking about cats!!

  8. Hi Jessica, your topic got me searching back through my mind to contemplate what has been near and dear to me through the years. As far back as I can remember I have loved dolls. I always carried one with me whether I was playing house, going to visit someone, going shopping-- you get the idea-- I loved my dolls. Well, it seems I never outgrew my love for them. I still have some of my first dolls and started collecting dolls as an adult. My Grandmother who passed away last month was a collector and had given some of her collection to me a few years ago. She was so pleased that I enjoyed them as much as she did. I wish you much happiness and good health in your new home.-------

  9. I will be moving back to my hometown too soon, and it will be amazing. I've missed the place.

  10. I just loved horses growing up. It seems like most little girls go through that "I want a pony!" stage, but my collection of horse toys, figurines, linens, jewelry, stationary, etc. just kept growing all the way up through high school. My mom has what's left of the collection now. Hopefully someday when we have a house of our own I can get them back.

    Another thing I've always loved, though this is more of an activity than objects that can be collected... ballet. I danced up through high school, and finally had to make a choice between going away to college and ballet, but I still miss it so much. So maybe that isn't exactly what you meant by your question, but both of those things -- ballet & horses -- are things I've always loved and missing be surrounded by/immersed in.

    Hope your moving is going smoothly. :-)

  11. The scent of Spring...lilacs, lily of the valley, the first mowing of grass.

    The gathering of family at Thanksgiving...turkey and all the trimmings.

    A snow day that keeps everyone inside for awhile. All these things are easily worthy of love!

  12. This post was so nice to read, I have loved so many things through the years, from dogs to ballet, skateboarding to drawing.

    What has always stayed with me is a fondness for times past, the simplicity of a bias cut gown in the best silk, black and white film espcially pre code films, the sheer glamour of it all!

    For me there is nothing better then a Jean Harlow film, a champagne cocktail and my best negligee..oh and fluffy pink mules!!!!

    All the best to you, congratulations on your move!!!


  13. ~ * ♥ * ~

    I have always loved reading. I can't remember a time when I couldn't read! My favorite books are all with me still, and I remember reading under the covers with a torch when I was a little girl, then reading in the bathroom late at night when I was a teenager!

    I think the thing that's really special is that they are the first thing I started collecting, and the first thing that piqued my interest in vintage things. I love the old books. I'm a terrible mover as I have to take all my collections with me! Good luck with your move though Jessica. :)

    bonita of Depict This!

    ~ * ♥ * ~

  14. What a lovely post. I too have varied tastes so a complete list would be impossible but a few things: murder mysteries (grew up watching shows like Marple and Ruth Rendell mysteries with my mum); Barbie (I had so many as a child then grew out of her for a while but am now collecting again); and pink! It's always been my favourite colour (except for a brief period as a teen when I thought it was too 'girly').
    -Andi x

  15. Hi ladies, thank you each so very much for sharing some of your fascinating, diverse interests with me. It was a joy and an honour to get to know you better through your comments, many of which lead me to know that we share one or more interests in common.

    In a few minutes I'll be drawing the random comment number (1-14) for the surprise giveaway pack, and will announce the lucky winner in a post here tomorrow afternoon (which will go live at 2pm PST).

    Thank you again to one and all,
    ♥ Jessica

  16. For as long as I can remember I have loved The Wizard of Oz, hot air balloons and clowns! Now that I look at them typed out I see that we have fantasy, color and childhood....and lets not forget they all say FUN! Thanks for coming by the blog and leaving such a nice comment. Have a great day.
