
April 19, 2012

Hard hats required beyond this point

...Or just really cute vintage hats, whichever you prefer.

As you'll likely have noticed, this site is currently undergoing some revamping. In the wake of Chronically Vintage's 3rd birthday yesterday (thank you very much for your wonderful celebratory comments!), and having given the idea of doing so serious consideration for quite some time now, I decided to that it was high time I updated the look and feel of this site.

I sincerely loved the old template (which had been in place since day one), but felt that this site had progressed beyond it. As such over the course of today and the next few days, they’ll be some hefty construction work taking place.


Riveter at work on Consolidated bomber, 1940s woman, war worker

{1940s riveter at work on a WW2 bomber plane. Image via The Library of Congress on Flickr.}


I don't plan on taking the site offline at any point, but you may notice slight (or substantial!) changes between visits, and in a few days the whole blog will have a streamlined new look that I hope will do an even better job of highlighting the words and images that fill this site.

Thank you for bearing with the facelift, sweet dears, I can't wait to embark on this new stage of Chronically Vintage's life with all of you! 


  1. Belated congratulations on your 3rd birthday:) I love the 1940s image on this post, so evocative.

  2. Again, belated congratulations from me on your 3rd birthday. For some reason I seem to have a bit of a delay going on with Google at the moment, so have received notification of this post, and your birthday one, today.

  3. Bonjour Madame, I quite like the changes and that's a lovely picture of you!
    I emailed you from my work email yesterday; May it be that my emails are landing in the spam folder? :) I hope you have a fab weekend!

  4. Happy 3rd Birthday!!! I love the changes you have made, it all looks very sleek. I love the 1940's picture, I would love a pair of those dungarees!
    Isabella xx
