
January 13, 2012

7 ways to keep your blogging mojo going strong in 2012


As Chronically Vintage heads into its third year of life, one might wonder if I was running low on things to talk about, images to share, or blogging stamina (especially after last year’s Vintage 365 project). Thankfully, I’m happy to report, nothing could be further from the truth!

In fact, as  2011 wound down, I found myself with a powerfully renewed surge of blogging energy, while at the same time I suddenly couldn't cram enough vintage related activities (from clothes shopping to scouring the web for fresh-to-me yesteryear photos) into the day (ok, that's scarcely anything new - but it's always fantastic when you experience an intense burst of passion for a longstanding area of interest).

That said however, we all know what it's like to run into blogging slumps or periods when inspiration seems like it's harder to find than a palm tree in the arctic. I've been there before myself and know that chances are I'll face such periods again, but luckily I've learned some techniques over the years to help forge a path through the thicket of writer's block, lack of inspiration, or distraction caused by other areas of your life that nearly all bloggers encounter from time-to-time.

Last November I shared five tips for daily blogging with you, as I knew some of my readers were interested in running their own year-long daily blogging projects, too. All of those suggestions ring true for bloggers everywhere, no matter how frequently you post, so in addition to today's tips, be sure to give that post a read, if you haven't already.


7 ways to keep your blogging mojo going strong in 2012


1.) Look beyond your own life for topics to write about (and vice versa). If you generally write about events that transpire in your own life (for example, if most of your entries are about the fantastic vintage outfits you enjoy wearing), consider devoting a chunk of your posts to other topics that relate to your blog but which do not put yourself into the story as much (such as articles on the history of various topics that related to your site). By the same token, if you're prone to just writing factual, informative pieces, consider shaking things up by injecting more of your own daily life into your blog posts. Chances are your readers will appreciate a change of pace, no matter which of the two camps you usually fall into.

2.) Start, or renew interest in, a new hobby, project, class or other ongoing activity. Look for areas related to the subject(s) you blog about that you could increase your knowledge in or create projects related to. For example, several vintage bloggers who are also sewers, knitters or crafters have written tutorial posts (and/or ongoing series of posts) on projects that bring together their love of the past, as well as their passion for being creative. Ask yourself if there's a skill or interest you could be sharing with your readers that you aren't already. It could be cooking (post your favourite recipes), photography (take snaps that pertain to the genre of your blog), crafting, gardening, travelling - even shopping - just so long as it's something you feel confident teaching others about.

3.) Draw inspiration from other bloggers' posts. While you likely wouldn't want to copy someone's else's post to the letter, if you read a blog post or other online article that really speaks to you, create your own post on that same topic (perhaps referencing back to the original piece that sparked you to write your post), giving it your own personalized spin.

4.) Create a multi-part series of posts on a particular topic. Just as TV shows sometimes wrap up an episode by promising to continue it in the next episode, so too can you create a series of ongoing posts about a topic (for example, shoes of the 1940s, or ten of your all-time favourite vintage cake recipes) that you know you can write scores about and which is likely to have your audience eager to read the next instalment. The length of the series is up to you, but anywhere from three to ten posts (either spread out of over time or posted in succession) is generally a good number of entries to include in an ongoing series.

5.) Write about what you love. As you sit down to write each new blog post, don't hesitate to remind yourself that you are indeed writing for your blog, not a newspaper, a magazine, or a multi-author website. This is your ongoing project, your passion, and your gift of yourself to the blogging world. If everyone and their dog is writing about some of-the-moment subject, don't feel you need to do so as well just to "fit in". Cover topics that excite you and which you are genuinely interested in. If you do, your passion with generally shine through in your writing and really help your readers feel like they're connecting with you and what you're telling them.

6.) Take a short break from blogging every now and then. Even the best of us get knackered out, become super busy, don't feel up to snuff, or otherwise just need a breather occasionally. Instead of running yourself ragged or falling into a lengthy period of writer's block (which might even lead you to give up on you blog entirely). Step back (if only figuratively speaking) from the computer for a week or two, and give yourself permission to relax and not think about your site for a while as your blogging batteries recharge.

7.) Make note of things that interest and inspire you. Whether online or off, keep a running list of things pertaining to the topics you blog about that have fascinated, mystified, captured, intrigued, or otherwise grabbed your attention. I started a list like this back when I launched Chronically Vintage in 2009 and have added to, and worked off of, it dozens upon dozens of times. Having a list like this can really go a long way towards helping to ensure you never run into feeling like you're exhausted everything you can (in the moment) think of to write about.

{While blogging can sometimes feel as precarious as swinging through the air on a trapeze (like this athletic 1940s gal), most of the time it truly doesn't need to. Remember to enjoy the process, pace yourself, and cover a diverse range of subjects pertaining to the overall theme of your site. Vintage image via carbonated on Flickr.}


As you go about writing blog posts this year, always try remember to have fun and to enrich your life through the content you opt to share with others. Chances are your blog is not your livelihood, it doesn't have to (and shouldn't!) be a source of significant stress for you. Keep in mind that your site is something you made the conscious effort to start and devote a part of your life to on a frequent basis because you wanted to share your interest in a particular subject with the world.

As we motor along through January with our gaze set on the what lies ahead this year, I hope that you'll find the tips in today's post helpful in ensuring you have the strength, time, passion, and inspiration to blog confidently and happily all through 2012 - and well beyond.

Here's to a fabulous year of blogging, dear friends!!!


  1. Hi Jessica, how I{ve missed your blog & blogging, this is great advice especially, since Im just coming back to the blogging world thanks for sharing!

  2. These are such great tips. Thanks!

  3. Great notes! You are definitely a strong inspiration with your 365 of vintage !

  4. Great tips, Jessica. I find myself in a bit of a blogging slump lately, so hopefully I will be able to utilize a tip or two.

    Best Wishes,

  5. Great advice. I will be bookmarking this for when I next have a lack of blogging inspiration :)
