
November 23, 2011

Cranberry-Apple Pie: the perfect vintage Thanksgiving dessert

Day 327 of Vintage 365

When one stops and thinks about Thanksgiving Day pies, it is commonly pumpkin and pecan that spring to mind first. Though both of these are absolutely scrumptious, time-honoured beauties, there is no reason why they need to be your only options come this annual autumn fest.

From custard pies to tiny individual tartlets of dark chocolate topped with candied orange peel, the sky is the limit when it comes to Thanksgiving pies!

I'm personally fond of veering towards those that do a marvelous job of encompassing the flavours that one most associates with fall time - think pears, sweet potatoes, and cranberries. The latter fruit, a naturally tart one, couples gorgeously with sweet apples in this wonderful vintage recipe for Cranberry-Apple Pie.

{Combining two fruit flavours that are every bit as classic as mashed potatoes and gravy, this terrific vintage Cranberry-Apple Pie is bound to become a steadfast favourite with your family. Image via bluwmongoose.}

Though Canadian Thanksgiving took place a few weeks ago in early October, for my dear friends and neighbours to the south, tomorrow marks your day of giving thanks for the blessings and bounty that your life provides you with.

Should your menu be in need of one more dessert (or if you haven't settled on the right one yet at all), I thought this this classic, super easy, very economical vintage recipe for Apple-Cranberry Pie might just do the trick.

I love that this delicious pie isn't overly cloying. It's sweetness from the apples and sugars is tempered by the tangy cranberries, making it easier to digest (than say a thick cheesecake or rich trifle) after a hearty, heavy holiday meal of the sort that Thanksgiving has excelled at producing for ages.

No matter if you decide to whip up this delightful dessert tomorrow or not, it makes for a superb fall and winter recipe that will never, ever go out of style, thanks to the timeless pairing of fruit that call this elegant lattice topped pie home.


  1. Thank you for sharing this...I was starting to run out of ideas :-]

  2. This sounds very good. I'm not a huge apple pie fan, mostly because I find it way too sweet. So I like the idea of adding the tart cranberries.

    How funny...Eatmor cranberries. I have never ever seen that brand. All I have ever seen is Ocean Spray. I guess Eatmor went out of business years ago. How fun to know of their existence through this great vintage ad.

  3. There is a Cranberry Festival up near my dad's in Wisconsin...we love dried Cranberries :o)

    I have not been able to stop by in a while, but wanted to be sure to say Happy Thanksgiving!

    Blessings & Aloha!
