
November 15, 2010

Can you feel what I feel?

The holidays, the holidays are right around the bend!* And I for one am already bubbling over with excitement about this fact! How about you, my lovely friends, as the days zip past like snowflakes in the chilly winter November breeze, are you starting to hum Christmas carols, feel the urge to sport more red and green (festive sweaters entirely optional), and jump into the merriment of the season?

It’s a little odd actually, often in the years (such as this one) when I know that I’m going to be having a very low key Christmas on a modest budget, that I find I’m filled most with the holiday spirit.

Perhaps when many of the stresses that come with planning a large scale Christmas celebration, shopping for scads of presents (and often dreading the bills you know will arrive in January for said purchases), attending more functions than you can shake a stick at, and wondering how on earth you’ll find time to bake fifteen different batches of cookies, are removed (or at least lessened), there’s more freedom and time to sit back and soak up the beauty, inherent peace, and simple splendours of the season.

I’m feeling Christmassy at the moment in a way that I haven’t for a few years. It’s a blissful, almost child-like feeling that makes me want to throw a holiday parade, string lights on everything from my cat’s condo to my laptop (being an apartment dweller who’s not allowed to hang or put anything on our deck, any decorative light fantasies I may have need to be played out indoors), and invite everyone in town over for a humble feast of holiday classics.

This week, despite further work being done in our apartment building (bathroom repairs on our floor are slated for later today), I’m feeling like Christmas can’t get here fast enough. Yet at the same time, I’m very grateful for the fact that the holiday season isn’t just a day or two, instead it’s weeks of celebrating, embracing the spirit of Christmas, and finding festive reasons to smile all through November and December.

I’ll soon be mailing out my Christmas cards, decking the halls (and counters, desks, tables – any surface is far game!), and hopefully be able to figure out what to get my husband this year (he’s one of those folks that are rather tricky to shop for, but in a way I quite enjoy the challenge) – just as I know many of you will as well.

To help celebrate this splendid time of the year, most of the posts that I’ll be putting up here over the next few weeks will be holiday season themed in some capacity. I hope to be able to post some favourite Christmas recipes, bring back the vintage holiday gift guide for a second year, and share oodles of great old school vintage images with all of you.

{1. I see stars, 2. Pink Heaven, 3. Deer head, 4. Vintage Holiday , 5. my favorite pink Christmas tree!, 6. Untitled, 7. Blue Christmas, 8. old things, new things, 9. Vintage Christmas Cards, 10. Plunged Into Christmas Contemplation, 11. Pink Bulbs, 12. Vintage Sugared Christmas Bells, 13. A Christmas Cuppa}

On that note, the collection above is a roundup of delightfully fun vintage Christmas images with a gentle, soothing pink theme running through most of them. I hope that these pretty photos help inspire – or further bolster – your own feeling of wintery happiness and holiday cheer! :)

*Sung/said to the tune of "Do you hear what I hear" (my favourite version of which is the one that was eloquently preformed by Bing Crosby).


  1. Here, here for "less is more" Christmases. :)

  2. Ah pretty. I am starting to feel excited too, want to make some decorations this year but not sure I'll have time :/

  3. Hi Jessica
    Im really excited for christmas this year. We almost lost my dad a couple of months back so I think this will be a special christmas for our family. Christmas is always my favourite time of the year, everyone is so cheerful and I love getting a real christmas tree each year :)


  4. It's always so hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it's 75 degrees outside and people are running around in shorts and t-shirts! I've been burning fir tree-scented candles trying to get in the mood and it might be working!

  5. lovely pics, love that pink! :-)

  6. For personal reasons I adore Christmas. No one and I mean no one ruins it for me. I am already playing Christmas music. I live for this time of year.
    Lovely blog and I hope your health problems get better. Sandy

  7. I know what you feel about getting in the spirit already. With the Christmas commercials already on TV and we just got our first snow on Saturday.

  8. Thanks for choosing my photo, "Pink Bulbs" to be a part of your Christmas in Pink montage. I have added your blog to my reading list!

    Calsidyrose, Flickr

  9. I am so not mentally prepared yet! ARGH!

  10. A simply beautifully written post, dear Jessica! You sum up the essence of the season and focus on the important aspects of it so eloquently. Wishing you much joy and pleasure every second of every day. Oh, and I just noticed my photo in the collage above – thank you so much!! Love, – g

  11. I've been feeling Christmas-y already too! lol Thank you for the lovely birthday card! :D

  12. Hi Jessica! I adore your blog! I just signed up to follow. I believe we share similar interests. I look forward to your updates. Wishing you well.....
