
October 19, 2010

Unexpected construction work in progress

Cheerful Tuesday greetings, my sweet dears! Today’s post is not going to be a long one – nor is it the latest edition of the Vintage Halloween Countdown (part 3), which I’d hope to have up by now.

The reason for this is that there has been a rash of sudden maintenance/construction work being done on my apartment building over the last few days (and onwards through this week) which is really having an impact on our lives at the moment (for some of the work we – including even our cat! – need to clear out of the unit).

{Alas none of the construction workers I’ve seen around these parts lately looks one iota like this strapping 1940s carpenter! By which I mean, of course, that they’re all dressed in modern day attire – what else would I be talking about? ;-D Vintage photo via The Library of Congress on Flickr.}

As such I’ve not been able to spend too much time online over the last few days, however I’m hopeful that things should (at least for a few days – I know they want to do work on the bathrooms in each unit before this month is through as well) be considerably less chaotic on the home front by the end of the week.

I’ll keep plugging away at the above mentioned post (it’s devoted to vintage Halloween costumes and other festively spooky items of clothing) when possible, and in the meantime know that I’m thinking of you all and sending scores of wishes your way for a far more serene week than I’m having!


  1. Aww, hopefully it is done soon and you don't have to put up with it anymore!

  2. Reminder "Go Purple" Wednesday, October 20th....Read More on my blog,

    Kitsch n Stuff

  3. I know! Life happens while you're busy trying to live it!!

    Thanks for stopping by and finding me :)

    I really appreciate it. I've not been able to keep up with the internet as much as I would like these days!

    Take care and we'll visit again :)

    BTW, ART DECO era is my FAVORITE!!!


  4. bummer- hopefully it will be over soon!

  5. Just found your lovely blog - those cat decorations for Halloween are so cute they make me want to host my own party! I did a cat post yesterday too, coincidentally..
    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  6. Can't wait to see the vintage costumes!!!

    (halloween giveaway on my blog!!!)
