
July 5, 2010

Giving away a $75 gift certificate from CollectibleSpectacle!

Vintage eyewear, the very words conjure up instant thoughts of everything from 1950s teenagers in winged cat eye frames to the thick black, and tortoise shelled, rims of the beat generation. For some this fabulous genre of accessories may invoke images of finely constructed early twentieth century wire frames, to others it may mean an oversized pair of mod 60s sunglasses or the understated cool of a sleek set of browline glasses, but no matter what the words vintage eyewear spark in your imagination, there’s no denying that old school specs are works of art.

Long before my eyesight decided to head south in a hurry (about 3.5 years ago, thank you very much, myopia!), I’d adored vintage glasses. Their sleek – at times almost sensuous – curves, iconic shapes, perfectly aged colours, and overall allure beckoning my vintage loving soul to their ascetic splendour. Judging by the trove of fellow vintage aficionados, as well as those with a penchant for great style in general, that embrace classic frames as well, it’s clear I’m far from alone in my passion for gorgeous vintage glasses.

One needn’t actually be afflicted by eye woes to sport vintage eyeglasses, and therein lies so much of their charm. You can turn a pair of frames into sunglasses or have plain glass (lenses) put into them, if you’d like to use them as a charming accessory, instead of as a vision aid. If you do sport specs for medical reasons, it’s usually very easy to have a professional put in your prescription strength lenses, thereby allowing you to wear most any vintage pair of glasses your heart desires.

If you’re a fan of vintage eyewear, then this post is for you, because I’m thrilled to announce that Chronically Vintage has teamed up with the fabulous etsy seller CollectibleSpectacle, to offer readers of this blog the chance to win a $75.00 gift certificate† to put towards whatever your heart desires from CollectibleSpectacle’s delightful array of vintage frames.

Founded by a lovely woman with two generations of optometrists in her family tree, and a deeply rooted passion for amazing vintage eyewear, CollectibleSpectacle offers customers a skilfully hand-selected assortment of eyeglass frames that span the decades of the 1950s through to the 1980s (with an emphasis on stunning 1950s styles). The frames that they offer are bursting with charm, character and timeless appeal. Many are highly sought after collector pieces, yet the price tags that CollectibleSpectacle puts on their offerings are entirely reasonable, thus allowing fans of vintage eyewear to easily add a piece of the past to their wardrobe.

The image below shows a sampling of some of my favourite frames that CollectibleSpectacle currently has in stock (they rotate in new frames frequently, and are also happy to take requests if you’re hunting for something in particle, making this etsy seller one to bookmark for sure!) – talk about dreamy vintage glasses if ever there were!

Giveaway details

This wonderful giveaway will run between today (July 5th) and Monday July 12, 2010 (contest closes at 11:59pm EST), and is open to Chronically Vintage readers from around the globe. One lucky winner will be drawn at random on July 13th, and announced here in a blog post (I will also contact the winner directly to let them know that they’ve won).

I want my readers to have as many chances as possible to win this marvellous prize from CollectibleSpectacle, so there are five ways for you to earn as many as five entries in this giveaway.

1.) Post a comment below about your favourite pair of frames from CollectibleSpectacle’s etsy shop, and/or tell me about anything you’d like regarding vintage eyeglasses (e.g., if you wear them, why you love them, how big your collection is!).

2.) Post about this giveaway, including a link back to this announcement post on Chronically Vintage, on your own blog, telling your readers about this contest (if you'd like to use the photo collage I created above, just right click on it to save it to your desktop). Once you’ve written about the giveaway, come back here and let me know you’ve done so by leaving a comment with a link back to your post.

3.) Add Chronically Vintage to your blog roll (or other area of your site/blog where you list some of your favourite blogs) – or inform me if you’re already doing so. Stop by to let me know in the comment section that CV’s on your blog roll, and you’ll gain another entry for the contest.

4.) Become (or let me know if you already are) a Google Follower of Chronically Vintage (see the right hand side bar to join), then take a moment and leave a comment saying so.

5.) Spread the good word about this contest via Twitter or Facebook (you can find CollectableSpectacle on Twitter and on Facebook, the latter of which they’ve recently created a fan page for). Again, be sure to jot down a comment letting me know you’ve done so.

Everybody is welcome to enter in however many of the five ways they wish, just be sure that you let me know about each entry in a separate comment, to better enhance your chances of winning (four comments for example, would give you four entries into the contest, thus four potential chances to win!). Please remember to post a separate comment for each entry!

I wish everyone who participates the absolute best of luck and thank you all in advance for taking part in this exciting vintage eyewear giveaway!

Note that etsy does not issue site wide gift certificates, instead CollectibleSpectacle will issue you a credit from their shop for $75.00 (US) that you can use towards the purchase of whatever you like from their stock. Please email if you'd like further details about about this point.


  1. wow, what a giveaway! There are so many lovely specs I can't choose witch ones I like best.

  2. What a fabulous giveaway! I love how cat eye glasses are the same, but each pair is so different and unique.

  3. Hey Jessica:

    I've posted you giveaway on my blog:

    Diana Horel
    aka Fanny

  4. Hello again:

    I've shared the contest on Facebook.

  5. And now Twitter: fiftiesfan


    P.S. Thanks! You gave me a blog post with photos which I desperately needed! Got get the the digital camera batteries charged!


  6. I am a follower on google: Fiftiesfan.


  7. Now added to my blog list.


  8. ShopRetroTrend is a new follower, thanks to Gwen of CollectableSpectacle. You've got a great blog!

    Iconic and ironic vintage clothing for a modern lifestyle.

    Be different. Buy vintage. Make a difference.

  9. Thanks Jessica! I'm excited to give away the $75 gift certificate! :-)

  10. Also reposted to my Facebook fan page:

  11. I love the Vintage 50s Pink Stripe Cat Eye Eyeglass Frames. They look like they could be used for multiple eras (can you tell I do a lot of reenacting?). I have a nice collection of vintage eyewear, including my everyday glasses from the 50s. They are super heavy, but I LOVE them!

  12. Jessica, you're back! Oh I'm so glad you're getting better xxx

  13. My favourite pair in CollectibleSpectacle's shop is:

    I love cat eye glasses (I wear them) and the little rhinestone flowers are so cute.

  14. Here's the link to my post about this giveaway:

  15. Oh my! Those sunglasses are sooo cool! I can confess that I have a pair of teashades ... *blush* ... and all my friends, when they see me wearing them, they call me 'John Lennon's daughter' or 'John Lennon's got a new bride'!

    Amy B.

    PS: Come and check out my blog, too! :)

  16. I am loving the 50s cat eyes, black with white flowers and rhinestones. Those I would definetly pay to get fitted with prescription lenses. Right now I wear a pair of vintage styled Juicy frames. I love them. The fact that they are deep dark purple was a major selling point.

  17. What gorgeous specs CollectibleSpectacle has to offer! I seemed to fall in love with the French eyeglass makers, as each one I wanted turned out to be of French origin! I particulary love the pewter colored and iridescent blue 50s frames... yum! Although I am a fanatic about 50s and 60s jewelry and accessories, I've never had a pair of vintage specs! I'd love to try a pair, and I'm sure I'd be a convert after my first wear!

  18. I really like these ones

    I dont wear glasses so I like to buy vintage sunnies instead. :) I only have 2 pairs, and one pair is on loan to someone else. but I love them so so much. :)

  19. My absolute favourites are ! I love vintage sunnies although I only own a 1980s pair that I got off a local shop, but I'm now utterly in love with CollectableSpectacle's choices and will definitely keep an eye out for them in the future, thanks so much for sharing it! x

  20. Chronically Vintage is in my favourite blog list at already, but I'm leaving note here for another entry! xox

  21. I already am a follower of Chronically Vintage on Google under username Mafalda Princess Doll! Entry #3 <3

  22. And my 4th entry...

    Thank you so much doll! xox

  23. I like the Vintage 50s 60s Cat Eye Glasses. Clear Gray.

  24. Chronically Vintage is on my blog roll!

  25. ooh! this is exciting!!! My favorite is

    Vintage AO 60s Cat Eye Sunglasses

  26. I blogged about this on my giveaways page:

  27. No doubt about it, I would get these: (they look like the ones I lost!). Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. You are on my blog list! (sidebar)

  29. I'm already a follower :-)

  30. ...and I've posted about this on my blog

  31. ...and yes, I follow you on Google! Oops, here's the link to my blog post:

  32. Oh what a fab comp count me in!! i love the 60s Cat Eye Eyelgasses. Sleek Shape White but theres so many gorgeous pairs to choose from it would be hard to pick just one!!

  33. I love almost all of the ones in the etsy shop!
    I think these 2 are my favorites but I can't narrow it down.
    I have a prescription but haven't worn them since 1999 I've been looking for the perfect vintage frames to start wearing glasses again.

  34. I follow your blog with the Google thingymabobber.

  35. Oh, I definitely want to be in this! I'm always looking for "new" vintage frames. It's a nice little extra touch when dressing vintage (I have presciption lenses, so it's not just for the show). Currently I only have a "collection" of four different cat eyes and three sunglasses.

    So, let me see... I
    1)left my comment ;)
    2)blogged about this giveaway here:
    3)have Chronically Vintage in my blog roll
    4)and I'm a follower! (And also super excited about this giveaway!!) :)

  36. Though they'd be too big on me, I love the 1950's gray striped Menswear frames!

  37. Oh! Oh! I love vintage specs! My favorite are the black floral cateyes on the first page.

  38. I'm aleady follower and you are on my blog list/ blog roll (


  39. I love the Vintage 50s Cat Eye Glasses Flowers Rhinestones.

  40. I posted about the giveaway on my blog, Wedgwood Tulsa.

  41. Chronically Vintage is already on my blog roll.


    these are my favorites! i have a few pairs of vintage glasses but none of them are as rad as these!

    i've been following your blog via my bloglovin for a while. cant wait to hear more from you!

  43. And you're already on my blog roll!
    -Andi x

  44. Wonderful giveaway! These are my favourites
    -Andi x

  45. Just stopping by hoping that you are well.x.

  46. Im a follower and I love the cateye sunglasses with the copper. So cool.

  47. 1) I just love these frames:

    They go with just about everything. I especially like the silver inlay, and the pinstripe-like design!

  48. I have two vintage frames so far. I'm trying to find the most comfortable and good-looking pair to get with lenses in my prescription. I'd wear glasses more if I had some rad vintage ones! I'm also on the lookout for some good sunglasses. I love the cat eye look with clear bottoms like this pair:

    I already follow your blog!

  49. I have 2 frames so far, just waiting to see how my eyes have changed before I have my lens put in them!!! You have such high quality stuff! Pick me!!!!

  50. What a great giveaway! I love vintage frames but I haven't found any in person that I like---well, that is in my price range! But my current frames have a retro flair to them. I love this pair---I want to turn them into sunglasses!

  51. I thought I was already following you on google, but I guess not. Now I am! :D

  52. Re-tweeted it on Twitter!


  53. PS I do follow you in Google Reader, too. ;)

  54. What a fantastic contest (and it is SO GOOD to see you up and at 'em again!). This is probably my favourite pair, though there are several wonders in the shop:

    I just love the look of vintage glasses. Good cat-eyes aren't made for adults anymore, at least not to the point that they are find-able at most optometrist's offices. I think they're missing out on a potentially solid, if not huge, market.

  55. My favorite right now is the light orange ones on the top right in the layout. They remind me of carnival ware. Great specs.

  56. It's so hard to choose just one pair! I have to wear glasses every day so I could see myself buying a full 'wardrobe' of sorts! are probably my favourites, but I'd also love for a night out, and for the beach (hell yeah)!

  57. It's so impossible to choose one pair, but here's one that I adore!

  58. Oh, and I'm a Google follower, too!

  59. I also tweeted (twittered?) about the giveaway here:

  60. And you're on my blogroll!

  61. love your blog, i'm following now!

  62. wow, what a great giveaway. i love so many of the frames in her shop, especially these ones

    They are just so funky! I would feel like the window designer, Hollywood in the movie Mannequin wearing them!

    thanks so much for the chance to win!

  63. You are now on my blog list

  64. I posted about you on my blog!

  65. Glad to see you're blogging and hope you're feeling much, much better!
    Vintage 50's cat eye frame Gem-Lite's look great. Makes me wish I'd held onto my eyeglasses these last 50 years.

  66. I do believe I'm already a follower....:-) Yay!

  67. I just made it before the giveaway closed!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these:

    What a great giveaway!

  68. I'm a google follower!
    Please put me down.
    (If I win please email me at cherry _ cat at y7mail dot com , I have yahoo not google, grrr)

    My absolute favourite, but it was so hard to pick!
    (cherry _ at @ y7mail .com)

