
April 15, 2010

Chatting vintage fashion with BBC Mundo's Radio City

Very recently I was contacted by a lovely woman who works for an Ecuadorian radio station called Radio City (which is part of the BBC Mundo family of stations). The station’s search for someone to interview regarding 1950s fashion and its impact of culture as a whole led them to discover Chronically Vintage, and as such to contact me in regards to if I’d be interested in doing a brief live interview on one of their programs called El Aguacate (“The Avocado”).

As you can imagine, I was extremely honoured that a radio show wanted to do an interview with me and I couldn’t say “yes” fast enough! Things speed along quickly from there and this past Monday (12th) evening I was waiting eagerly by my phone, for the station to call me for my 7:30pm interview.

The interview was really fun and certainly a whole new experience for me (I’ve never been interview on the radio before), and one that I will never forget. As El Aguacate is targeted at a Spanish speaking audience, the interview consisted of one host asking me questions in English, me replying to them, and then a second host translating what I said into Spanish for their listeners.

{Vintage illustration of woman tuning in to listen to Chronically Vintage’s first radio interview (or so I like to imagine ;D) via Two Ladies in Waiting.}

I felt that the time I was on air positively flew past! I’d mentally prepared tons of topics and points relating to 1950s fashion and style that I thought might be covered, but the interview zipped by so quickly that I didn’t get to cover all of them.

There was some static on the line which made it slightly hard to hear what the host was asking me, but nevertheless I think we had a good interview that touched on certain areas pertaining to fifties style and how it impacted society as a whole (the conversation veered in a way that I wasn’t expecting, towards the sexuality the permeated some facets of 1950s fashion, but that’s the fun of being interview isn’t it? You never know what the discussion is going to cover).

Below I’ve included an audio clip of my interview that has been edited to remove the Spanish translations of my replies. Before you listen to it though, I feel like I need to apologize for two things: how young my voice sounds (I’m 25 – almost 26 – years old and scarcely sound ten, despite the fact I was conscientiously trying to make my voice come across as “adult sounding” as possible), and secondly that I used the word “like” a few times. Granted almost all of us do so in this day and age sometimes, but I dislike it when people use “like” prolifically (when they’re not giving actual comparisons, I mean) and try very hard to avoid doing it when I speak. However, I confess that I was tad nervous during my first ever radio interview, and when I’m nervous I sometimes say “like” more often (granted I didn’t go full Valley Girl, but still, I felt like I had to mention that point). As well, I do apologize for the static on the line.

Without further ado, I present my radio interview with El Aguacate.

Chronically Vintage chats about 1950s fashion with Radio City

{Click on the link above to listen to my interview,
it's about three minute long.}

See, I told you my voice sounds like that of a child! Seriously though, I really want to take a moment and thank Radio City for contacting me. It was a fantastic joy for me to get to share my love of the 1950s via a medium other than my blog (the fact that my interview was on the radio makes it extra special to me, as radio broadcasts are inherently tied to the mid-twentieth century decades that I adore so dearly).

Doing this interview has been one the highlights of my year (and such a massively welcome distraction my certain things that have been weighing heavily on my mind lately), and certainly an experience I’ll never forget.


  1. Incredible! You were wonderful! What a fantastic opportunity... Congrats!

  2. Jessica, I think your voice sounds so sweet and charming, a reflection of your personality :-) I think you did an excellent job!!! How exciting for you!

  3. ohhh Jessica well done! you sound so sweet, and dont worry I sound young too :) although Im the same age as you. And I didnt even notice you saying 'like'.
    You sure do know alot about vintage and its wonderful that you are able to share this through your blog and now on radio!
    Thanks for sharing this experience with us :)


  4. Congrats on the interview, Jessica! I really enjoyed listening to it. You did such a fabulous job!

  5. You know what's great? We have the SAME voice! lol
    I'm always super self-conscious about the way I sound too, especially since I have to page people over the intercom at work, and I bet people wonder if it's "Bring your Daughter to Work Day" every day. Great job on your interview - how exciting! :)

  6. How exciting to hear you after reading you for so long. Its funny because the way you write you sound like such an old soul. and you really sound young on the phone. You're famous!

  7. My darling gal! It's so fantastic to finally hear your lovely voice. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! You came across so very eloquently, and you seemed like a 'natural' interviewee! Now, I really think we are kindred souls, for we both have 'young' voices and we dislike it when people use the word 'like' in every sentence lol! Congrats on your first radio interview dahling! I'm sure there will be many more to come ;)

  8. Wow, what an exciting opportunity, you did an amazing job!!! You sound like an utter doll! Congratulations!

  9. You did an excellent job, I enjoyed listening to this! It's interesting that a Latino station contacted there a vintage or 50's revival going on in that part of the world?

  10. thanks for visiting my blog! :)
    yours is beautiful and i look forward to exploring it more and getting to know yoU! :)

  11. What an amazing opportunity!! So cool that you got to do that :)

    love katie

  13. Hi Jessica,
    Well done on your radio interview! You sure know your stuff! I learned a lot. Your voice is charming and lovely.Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog too!
    Take care

  14. Congratulations! And nice interview. Your voice doesn't sound bad at all, I like it :-)

  15. My wonderful dears, thank you from the depth of my heart from all of your supportive, immensely gorgeous words! You've bolstered my confidence and made what already and amazing experience even more wonderful!

    Huge hugs & wishes for a sublimely lovely Sunday to each and every one of you!!!
    ♥ Jessica

  16. Well done Jessica! Amazing interview and some terrific answers and you sounded so clear talking to Ecuador all the way from TO! Your voice is so sweet and charming an exactly how I imaged it. I think a lot of us vintage gals have young sounding voices and they suit us.
    xo- Jennifer

