
March 7, 2010

Today’s Vintage Treasure: March 7, 2010

{Perhaps it’s the fact that the temperature here is sitting at a very pleasant (well at least when compared with the fiercely snowy days we had just a couple of weeks ago!) 10°(C), or the wonderful thought that before the month is up, spring will have sprung once again, whatever the case may be, my mind has already turned to thoughts of summer.

With such daydreams comes the reality that our little apartment sorely lacks air conditioning! Naturally this means that once the temps begin skyrocketing, we start flicking on the fans in a hurry. Whether you have (the luxurious joy of) AC or not, this strikingly lovely vintage industrial fan would look just as gorgeous as an objet d’art as it would as a means of beating the heat. This sturdy industrial tabletop fan is fully operational and can be had for $68.00 (US) – which is surely less than the cost of the all ice cream you’d have to eat to stay cold without it :D – from etsy seller Lucky Little Dot.}

How are your weekends going, my sweet dears? I have joyful news to let you in on a smidge in advance of the actual announcement post...tomorrow I’m going to be kicking off the start of a new (and if I may say so myself, absolutely awesome!) blog giveaway contest. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but I will give you a hint by mentioning that the prize relates to vintage fashion.

February was a bit of a touch month for me as I sought solace and time to sort my thoughts out during a mini blogcation, and a great many of you were there for me every step of the way, roviding me immensely helpful comments, caring words and excellent suggestions. For both that and all of the terrific comments you’ve left lately on various posts, I felt the least I could do was hold a new blog giveaway as a way of expressing my sincere thanks to all of you.

Wishing you each a blissful (Oscar night) evening and a week ahead that bursts with an abundance of sunshine and serenity!


  1. oh quel ravissement quand je passe ici!


  2. I've always loved those vintage fans and remember seeing so many in antique stores and even once at summer camp. would love one!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  3. Love the fan, and even the photo has a great feel to it! Hope you're doing well my dear! The giveaway sounds amazing :D

  4. I got an actual vintage fan similar to this as a Christmas present, it's a blue Coronado. I keep meaning to post pictures of it on my blog but have never gotten around to it. It's loud (and heavy!) but oh my goodness does it blow! I can't wait until it's warm enough to use it.

  5. I like the Miss Elliette Dress and yes, I am one of your followers! What a fun site!

  6. I was looking at this exact frame the other day, how strange is that?! It would be perfect for the upcoming (i hope!) hot weather! xx

  7. Oops, sorry, i meant *fan* not *frame*!

  8. hi Jessica! Not a comment, really, but saw this and thought of you. Vintage German ceramics are awesome! Who knew?
