
February 13, 2010

A Valentine’s Day postcard from my blogging vacation

Greetings, sweetest readers, how have you been lately? I really cannot believe that a whole week zoomed past this my last post. In the time since then I’ve accomplished some – but not all – of what I’d wanted to (as well as other things that I’d put off and suddenly realized I had the time to complete), done a lot of thinking regarding how to approach blogging in the future, and have also just breathed, allowing myself (for whom having idle hands never feels natural) to do nothing but relax here and there.

Last weekend I estimated that I’d return from my “blogcation” today, however some of my conditions are flaring up (not because I pushed myself too hard during my time off, but simply because no matter what, several of them act up every month due hormonal reasons relating to my monthly cycle) and I’m on bed rest at the moment. Thus, I’m afraid that I am going to have to tentatively extend my blogging break until this middle of this coming week (hopefully no longer than that!). Provided I feel well enough, I’m aiming to post the next weekly recipe this coming Wednesday – and launch back into more frequent posts after that.

During these days off I’ve continued to contemplate how best to approach the blog comment situation that had been weighing so heavily on my mind recently. I still do not feel like I’ve come with the “perfect solution”. As I stated in my last post, I think that I simply have to accept that I’m not always able to visit every one of the blogs of those who visit me (much as I truly wish I could, both because I want to say thank you personally for visiting my blog, and because I love and gather immense inspiration from your own sites). Yet, I will continue to try my best to get to as many as I can, when my health allows.

I want to extend my sincere thanks again to everybody who has provided me with their own insight and suggestions regarding this situation. I value and appreciate your wise and deeply caring words greatly.

(On a different note...) Tomorrow marks the annual day of love and romance. It provides us with an ideal time to pledge (or perhaps reveal for the first time) your adoration towards someone special, to reflect on past and present relationships, and embrace the joyful spirit that love inherently imparts to the world.

{This tremendously cute pair of Kewpie dolls is here to help me wish you all the loveliest of Valentine’s Days, no matter how you choose to spend it! Vintage postcard via riptheskull’s Flickr stream.}

I realize that Valentine’s Day is not everyone’s cup of tea, but even if you can live without the flowers and chocolates, the cut-out tissue paper cupids and sentimental love poems, I hope that you’re able to join in the greater sense of amicability that February 14th represents.

Today and always, know that I love and cherish each of you, dearest friends and visitors, so very much and that from the bottom of my heart I am wishing you a delightfully beautiful Valentine’s Day!


  1. Have a lovely Valentine's Day Jessica!!!

    Those kewpies are soooo adorable! :-)

  2. Hello my darling gal! It's so wonderful to hear from you :) , although I'm saddened to hear that your condition has you on bed rest :( but...enjoy your rest time my dear and regain your strength. Have yourself a very happy Valentine's Day, and I absolutely love love that little postcard. I absolutely adore Kewpie dolls ;)

  3. Hope you have had a lovely week :-)

  4. Oh what a gorgeous card.

    I do hope you are feeling better soon, don't worry though and do rest up.

    Happy Valentines day,

  5. Happy Valentines Day Jessica! Im glad you are looking after yourself, you should always put yourself first especially if you are unwell. Hope you are feeling better soon :)


  6. You are just the sweetest ever! I love every post of yours!

  7. Sweet, happy Valentine's Day to you too Jessica, love Posie

  8. Aww, and a Big Ol' Happy Valentine's Day to you too!Just take our wishes for your health and happiness at face value and don't you even trouble yourself worrying about commenting.Sending thoughts filled with{{{hugs}}} and happiness to you!

  9. I hope you had a lovely relaxing "bogcation" and it's good to see you again :) Sorry to hear that some of your ailments have shown up again, i'm sending you healing hugs!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you my dear xxx

  10. Happy Valentine's Day! :) Feel better soon and enjoy your blogcation! :D

  11. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

  12. Jessica,, thank you for the wonderful card. Even in your time of distress you find the time to write.. bad me! I too have been going through a tough time..not physical , but mental. I have OCD and anxiety very badly and it's kicking into high gear right now.. not sure why. I seem to be having an anger problem as well. I'm not usually a very angry person, but lately.. look out! So I understand when you have to take time off, or feel your not blogging enough. I think I've come to the conclusion that I visit blogs I love,,, leave a comment when it hits and know that not everyone visits all the time. Sometimes certain, post hit me stronger than others do and it is at that point I usually leave a comment. I love the blogs I visit... and I try to keep up.. but it's never going to happen that I visit all the same day.. i dont' have enough time or energy. You are a sweet soul, and anyone who has ever visited your blog knows that... stay true to yourself and do what is one will every think less me.. you are loved by many.... especially me!! Hugs to you my friend on this Valentine's night!

  13. So sorry you're not feeling well!

    Happy, happy Valentine's Day to you too! Love the little dollies! Too cute.

  14. Such beautiful old images here. Happy Valentine's!

  15. Hope you had a lovely Valentines X
    P.S Just catching up on your posts after my blogging break and "you better be looking after yourself", the Vintage Kitten orders you ok?!!! LOL! Take Care X

  16. oh... nicely said!

    loving the vintage cupids..

    hope yours was a good one!

  17. Hope your Valentines week-end was FAB!

  18. I absolutely love the images you post. I truly enjoy visiting your site. I hope you continue with your inspiring and always imaginitive blog!

  19. Happy belated Valentine's day!
    Hope you are feeling better :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (yay! a few days off from work, so am catching up a little on my favorite blog reads... I have housework organizing and drawing orders to get to too :o)
