
December 9, 2009

Watching snowflakes and trying to play catch-up

Old Man Winter has moved back into town and brought his chum the North Wind with him this week! What began as a few delicate, minuscule flakes tumbling gracefully to the ashen pavement on Monday has morphed the landscape from one of rusty green grass into a world heavily carpeted with powdery snow. Despite the fiercely howling winds there is embedded tranquility that accompanies the initial (and certainly some of the subsequent) days of true winter weather that I cannot help but cherish.

{A few more inches to go and my husband and I can rush outside like gleeful little kids and try our gloved hands at imitating this adorable vintage couple and their charming snow bunnies. Image via superboma's Flickr stream.}

With the return of snow however, so ends, I hereby say “officially”, whatever semblance of autumn we had – or held onto a pipe dream of ever having. Granted the leaves changed colours, but this year lacked the vibrancy, the mellow warmth, the glistening beauty that autumn is supposed to arrive cloaked in.

Yet no sense in crying over seasons that didn’t come to proper fruition, onwards and upwards, I always like to say! With Christmas so very near, it’s hard to think of any other time of the year (though I couldn’t help but reflect for a moment this morning that tomorrow will mark five months since my birthday – or perhaps more tellingly, seven more until my next), and that suits me just fine. There’s a great deal to be said for living in the moment, whether a special day looms near or not.

To that extent I’m trying to catch up on about a week’s worth of terrifically kind comments that have been left on my most recent posts, by visiting the wonderful blogs of all those who share their thoughts with me here (thus allowing me to blog “in the moment” and try to stay on top of future comments through the second half of this week). I may not get quite through the whole kit and caboodle today, but I’m trying my best – despite the fact that our internet is being rather spotty presently and cutting out continually (which I’m keen to chalk up to the aforementioned barrage of snow and howling winds – but who knows?). I’m glued to my computer at the moment, save for the fact that I’ve got a scrumptious milk chocolate, nutmeg and banana cake baking away in the oven, its intoxicating scent permeating every inch of the apartment. It’s mostly for the mister, but I may nibble a crumb or two myself :)

Wishing you each a gorgeous Wednesday filled with as much serenity as the first snowflakes of winter.


  1. Your banana cake sounds so very yummy! Just what you need with a good hot warm drink on these cold and ever long winter nights. I'm sure the fella won't mind if there's a bit of a bite missing from a corner!

  2. *sighs* Ya know, it was just earlier today I was thinking "It's SO Green Here!" It's December, in western WA, and it's green with bright blue skies and yellow sunshine. We have all the frigidity of snowy weather, but no snow. Not even a big puffy cloud to offer any such hope snow. Heck, not even thin wispy clouds foretelling big puffy clouds may be here soon! lol

    I know what you mean about autumn being rather lack luster this year. Sad. I'm just not feeling seasonal this year. I'm trying. Maybe I need to get a tree.

    I hope you and the mister get that next couple inches for fabulous snow play. That cake you're baking sounds nummy!

  3. oh my goodness, that is the cutest picture EVER! Sounds like you're having a wonderful day! Let's hope the fluffy stuff comes again tonight and stays around (I was shoveling the slush off the sidewalks and it is so messy and heavy...blech). xoxo

  4. Hehe what a sweet photo, i hope we get some snow soon, i like waking up to Narnia :)
    Mmm cake, that reminds me, i have a scrumptious lemon cake waiting to be eaten up, there goes my diet out of the window! xx

  5. I'm ussually unhappy during Christmas :( could be because our family members are all over the map.

  6. Blessings to you, sweet friend! Hope you get your internet problems resolved soon.
    Blessings, andrea

  7. I adore sweets with bananas in them, that sounds fabulous! I hope you enjoy it (more than a nibble for sure) and your blogging catchup.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  8. That cake sounds delish!!
    We have no snow but the weather is bitter cold( down in the single digits.
    Still, I love the cozyness of home during this time. Candles burning, the christmas lights, the delightful scent of the christmas tree and the aroma of something yummy baking in the oven.
    Enjoy your evening!

  9. Wow, those snow bunnies are AMAZING!!! Why aren't there more of them about the place?

  10. Mmmmmm, send some of that cake my way! lol I'm with you, I can't believe we're so past Fall and so close to Christmas! lol

  11. Hey Jessica. It was great hearing from you. I always enjoy your comments. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I do hope this finds you doing well. Take care. Cheers!

  12. Great pic Jessica. I'm so jealous you get snow. We are just happy here if it's below 60 degrees lol. Hope you are doing well honey. Kori xoxo

  13. Love the snow bunnies. Make sure you post a pic when you make your own ;-)

  14. wow Jess...I can really smell that cake here..wish I could share a crumb with you! :) thanks for the marvelous pic again! :)hugz, Jane

  15. Autumn was just too short. Period.And I don't just feel that way because it's my favorite season. It's too short! (But I love winter, too, so it's okay.) Enjoy your flurries!

  16. Hello Jessica :)
    Thankyou for your incredibly sweet comment about my footstool. How lovely of you!!
    I appreciate you taking the time to visit very much.
    How I envy you your cake, must get off my proverbial and do something similar for the troops!!
    Warm wishes from Melbourne, Australia!(even though its raining at present)
    Irene x

  17. those are the cutest snow bunnies!

  18. So lucky to have snow, we have 78 degree heat and humidity right now and it sucks :( It doesn't feel like Christmas time at all!

  19. Snow bunnies - giggle! Too cute. You and your sweetie need to think of something clever like this to make(shouldn't be too hard for you!)

    Tipping my cup of coffee and eggnog to you and your chocolate banana cake - yum!

  20. Snow bunnies - fantastic idea, look forward to seeing pics of yours too.

  21. Indeed, the winter season came in with quite a blow here! Not to mention the amount of rain and slush - just found out my winter boots are no longer waterproof - found out the hard way!

    Have a wonderful thursday dear and enjoy your banana cake - I can smell it from here!


  22. wonders if snow bunnies multiply when no one is looking? ;)

    That cake sounds delish! Enjoy the snow with the mister. :)

  23. Good morning darling gal, was that yummy cake? Did you save some for the mister? ;) You must share your recipe! Well the rain came and went here..although it is said that another front is moving in tonight, and we will have more rain throughout the weekend..but we'll have to see! I'm not getting my hopes up! :P but I can surely dream ;) I hope you are enjoying the first peeking in of old man Winter =D and that you are staying warm out there!

  24. So great picture my dear Jessica !
    Have a great great winter !

  25. My lovely jessica, the picture is so beautiful!
    Here in italy , at the sea, it's difficcult to see some snow...I miss that, when I lived in belgium we were so excited when we looked out of the window and everything was white...what happy moments!!I wish you all the best!!

  26. ohhh I am craving snow right now! I am so excited to travel North for the holidays, in hopes of having a white Christmas!

    What a gorgeous vintage photo!

  27. those snow bunnies are so cool!
    oh how i wish it snowed for Christmas here in Australia

  28. Good evening greetings, my sweet and wonderful dears, thank you each ever so much for your fantastic (and very kind!) comments.

    I'm happy to report that on the day I posted this entry last week I was able to get about 80% caught up on my comments, but of course Murphy's Law, no sooner had I done that than I began to slip behind on the new ones! Still, I'm giving catching up another go (I really do tend to do so in bursts) and will visiting all of your beautiful sites at some point today!

    Huge thanks again, everyone, I hope that all of your weeks are off to amazing starts!
    ♥ Jessica
