
October 19, 2009

What do you think of this idea for a daily blog post?

{Much like the adorable young lady doing her homework in this 1944 Life magazine shot, I’ve recently been pondering something. Image source.}

The hamster in the wheel has been actively spinning lately, for you see, throughout the course of my profuse - and nearly always joyfully fun – online searches related to all manner of vintage topics, I regularly spot items that I think are a great deal (killer bargain!) or that are too unique not to warrant a second glance, yet which I may not have a spot for in a forthcoming post.

Due to the fact that the vast majority of vintage items for sale from online shops, etsy, eBay, and the like are often for only one item at a time (by that I mean a seller rarely has seven of the same mint condition swing dances going for $40 a pop), if a listing sells before I have a chance to weave it into one of my posts, it may mean my readers never got a chance to contemplate adding vintage item X to their own treasured collections (or simply viewing it for the sake of inspiration).

Beyond that point, many vintage garments and pieces I encounter are things that I know my readers would love, and when such items are going for reasonable (to flat out steal-of-a-deal) prices, I feel all the more as though I want to share them with you!

This has led me to an idea that I wanted to run by you, my wonderful readers – with a smidgen of related info tossed in first...

I’ve had the immense pleasure of actively blogging about my love of, and fascination with, vintage since April of this year and have enjoyed every moment of it. I certainly don’t plan to stop any time soon (goodness, no! I’ve got scads of ideas just waiting to transform into future posts), but I’ve realized over the months, that due to my health (I duke it out daily with several severe chronic illnesses), I’m not always able to post a hefty sized article, or sometimes any sized article at all, on a daily basis (much as I wish I could!).

When I first began this blog (true to my usual “push myself way too hard” nature) I posted almost every day, but lately I’ve been finding that around 4 posts a week has become the norm. I don’t mind this and don’t feel like I “have” post every day (no one should when they blog for the sake of pleasure, if your blog feels like a job or school assignment you’re bound to resent or lose interest in it over time), but it would be nice to ensure that if I’ve having a spell where I can’t get out as many “longer” posts as I’d like, I can (hopefully) ensure that new content is still going up on the site.

Ok, before I bore you to sleep by rattling on, what I’m getting at – and the thought I mentioned in the first paragraph – is the idea of doing a once daily (or thereabouts) small post featuring one vintage item (be it a beautiful silk hat, great pair of satin evening shoes, 1930s winter coat, etc) that's selling for a reasonable price that I’ve come across and which I think might really interest my readers (a “Daily Vintage Deal”).

I would still post 3, 4, 5+ (when I can) other posts (including my weekly staples like: “Five for Friday”, “Saturday Snapshots”, and “Pretty Link Roundup”), but by introducing this post I would be able to share even more vintage goodness with all of you, especially on those days when it might otherwise be impossible for me to churn out a longer post.

What do you gals and guys think? Do you like the idea of a short daily post here on Chronically Vintage featuring a vintage bargain? (Anything from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, be it clothing, home decor, books, art, records, etc would be fair game to appear in the Daily Deals post.)

I’m been toying with this idea for a little while now. I like it a lot, but wanted to get your opinion before launching an ongoing type of daily post. If you’d prefer to have Chronically Vintage continue on exactly as it has been lately, just let me know, I welcome all thoughts either way and truly appreciate your feedback.

Tons of thanks, everyone!


  1. Do a daily bargain! I'd love to see that. Plus I don't always have time to read longer posts, and despite best intentions never manage to get back around to them once they're out of my feed in-box.

    I suspect doing what makes YOU excited will always translate . . . xxC

  2. I love daily posts, always do one myself, it's lots of fun!
    Go girl go!!! xx

  3. I love it, but I'll love whatever you post whenever you can post no matter what :-)

  4. Love this idea.. and I agree with a daily bargin, that would be wonderful! How delightful you are thinking of us and I hope I thanked you for your wonderful Halloween card.. your such a dear friend.. big hugs to you today! Tracey

  5. Wonderful idea - even if I'm too broke to buy anything, I always love to drool over vintage-y goodness. :)

  6. That sounds like a great idea, I would love to come across a great vintage deal :)

  7. I think it sounds wonderful! And if a day or two goes by with no new dress post, we will still love you! I figure any chance I get to read your beautiful prose is amazing.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  8. I love the idea of your daily bargain post! Go for it!

  9. Do what you can...what is best for you. We will be here and enjoy your posts whether long or short.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  10. Oh, I really like this idea! It will be so fun to see what fun vintage bargains you find and feature! :)
    I'm glad that you'll still be doing some of your regular posts, but these fun shorter ones as well too. Definitely don't push yourself! Goodness knows it's just not always possible to post everyday! ;)

  11. I think that sounds great. Very good idea. It would be a cool thing to do on your blog. I wish you the best with whatever you decide. I enjoy your blog no matter what.

  12. Lovely idea Jessica! Looking forward viewing the daily items you will be putting up!


  13. I think it's a wonderful idea! I always love seeing vintage goodness that others may come across that I haven't seen yet!

  14. A daily bargain sounds great - I think one ought to blog about whatever is fun for YOU, and however often you want to. And that can change over time, less now, more later - or whatever.

    xx Lidian

  15. Your blog is always such a pleasure to read and I'm sure everyone would enjoy knowing about vintage deals.

  16. I recently found your blog and think it is wonderful. I sense that you really like what you're doing here, so no matter what you decide to do it'll be fun for us lurkers. As a pragmatist I'd say: try the new post schedule for awhile and if you don't like it, then stop doing it.

  17. I think a daily bargain post is a wonderful idea !!
    However, do what you feel you can handle and keep up with over time :)

  18. Coming from the chick who coined the BonBon Deal of the Day to showcase my own favorite steals...I think it's a KILLER idea! I hope your health gets better!

  19. Hey Jessica! I just wanted to let you know I added your button to my blog! Love it! Check it out! Kori xoxo

  20. Sounds like a lovely idea! Don't push yourself too hard. I do miss you on your days off, but all the more to look forward to. :) Missed your blog this week while I was on vacation. Look forward to catching up. :)


  21. Sounds like a good idea! Maybe you even could show us some of your own favourite vintage items sometimes?

  22. Darlin whatever you write I'll read...

  23. I think doing a daily dose is a wonderful idea! Go for it! You've proven that whatever you put out on your blog will be a success. I'm with you whatever you choose to do!

  24. Do whatever you think you can manage. I try to post daily on mine, and sometimes I know I am up several hours past my bedtime trying to put together a post, which can be taxing on beauty sleep :)

    I guess my advice is do whatever makes you happy. We enjoy whatever stunning material you have for us and enjoy it all. As someone who does not have the money to splurge, I usually use your posts for inspiration, so daily posts aren't absolutely necessary.

    Best wishes! We will love whatever you decide to do :)

  25. sorry for finally getting around to leave a comment. A Daily post would be agreat idea ofcourse!

    A quick update on the hair pins. No luck yet but I won't give up! xoxo

  26. Good morning greetings, everyone! I really want to thank each of you for your fantastic feedback.

    I read, reread and triple-read your comments and wanted to let you know how much your support of this daily post idea means to me. After seeing how many of you have behind the concept, I've decided that I will definitely be launching a daily vintage deal post in the very near future.

    Huge thanks, one and all, for your supportive, encouraging comments.

    Huge hugs & weekend blessings of joy!
    ♥ Jessica
