
October 6, 2009

A quick and cheery Tuesday greeting

Good morning, sweet dears, how are you each this week? I hope that life is smiling upon you and that autumn has come to all those it has been eluding (French Charming, honey, I’m thinking of you as I say that). I’m feeling a bit unwell at the moment, but never like to let more than a day or two pass without updating this site, if at all possible, so I thought I’d pop by before grabbing a bit more recuperative shut-eye to say a warm hello to all of you all!

I’m afraid I wasn’t able to get a “Pretty Link Roundup” post put together this past weekend, but I’ll strive to have an extra big link-filled post up next Sunday or Monday. This week I also hope to publish the first in a “miniseries” of posts devoted to each decade of the twentieth century. I very recently came up with the idea to do such a series and have been bursting with thoughts surrounding it ever since. I can’t wait to launch my first post on this theme, and over the coming weeks nine more – each one centred around a different decade of the 20th century.

There’s no way I’d leave you with an image-less post, but as I couldn’t find the type of photo I’d had in mind for this entry (I was aiming for a lovely 40s or 50s gal sporting a bed jacket or another type of sleepwear sitting or resting in bed), I decided to share a selection of entirely random, wonderfully lovely Flickr images that have been inspiring my heart, mind and soul lately. May they do the same for you, too!

{ 1. Not available, 2. Not available, 3. Not available, 4. Not available, 5. Not available, 6. Not available, 7. Not available, 8. Not available, 9. Not available, 10. Not available, 11. Not available, 12. Not available, 13. vintage shoes. For some unknown reason BigHugeLabs was acting odd this morning and did not provide information for most of the Flickr photos in this mosaic. I apologize about that and am happy to assist you with finding any of the photos used here, if you’d like.}

Sending oodles of wishes for a stellar day to everyone!!!


  1. these are all such lovely images (is that middle one Miss Matilda?). Hope you are feeling better.


  2. I'm sorry you're feeling poorly again, I hope you feel better soon! If you'd like/need any of my family pictures for your decade posts, just let me know!

  3. Hey Jessica. These are all so beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us. I do hope you are doing well. I also hope your week got off to a good start. Take care. Thanks as always for the great comments you leave at my blog. Cheers!

  4. Jessica, hope you are feeling better.
    Thanks you for these lovely pics !

  5. im sick but im glad i saw your pics before i head to the doctor today :)
    and your new posts sound lovely cant wait!

  6. Hope you feel all better very soon!

  7. Oh, I'm very sorry that you're not feeling too good. I hope that you're able to get some nice rest so that you feel better soon :)
    Lovely mosaice of pictures. I love the picture of the woman with that lovely pink coat over the blue dress and the little sleeping puppy!

  8. Love the images
    I so hope you are feeling better soon my friend!

  9. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! :-( you poor thing!!!

    Lovely pictures, as always ;-)

    Hugs to get better soon!

  10. You always have a treasure trove of lovely pictures to show us :) Have a great day!

  11. Beautiful pictures - my eye keeps getting drawn to the collection of bobbins - i think its speaking to my sewers heart! Lovely collection of images again! xx

  12. Don't worry about a thing, we'll all be here when you can post once more! You get to feeling better!


  13. I'm sorry you are not feeling well hun. :( I think it is a lovely idea about the decades of the 20th century! I can't wait to see them. Get some rest!

    Lots of Love,

  14. Gorgeous post today Jessica! Love the photos. I'm excited to see what becomes of your idea to go through the decades. I think it will be fantastic!

  15. Lovely images! Hope you feel better real soon.

  16. lovely always!
    have rest and take care! I will send you a lot of positive energy right from Italy!

    big hug,
    greetz from tiz x

  17. I am sending get well wishes to you my friend. Hope you feel better by the weekend. I love your pics in the collage..take care..Tracey

  18. Hi dear Jessica...if I could I'd make you tea...and fluff up pillows for you...I'm sending loving healing vibes your way...oh and a hug...
    ps that collage is a thing of beauty...thank you...

  19. You're so sweet. I hope you feel better soon.

  20. I just stumbled upon your blog tonight and I'm so grateful that I did. It's lovely, my dear =).

  21. Good morning, sweet dears, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your immensely caring words and well wishes. I really do mean it when I say they help me to feel a bit better.

    My health is very "touch and go". I can have days where it's not to bad and then weeks or even months of being extremely ill, I never know exactly how I'll feel the next day, but I try not to worry too much about such things and embrace every good moment I get to its fullest.

    Thank you again for your beautiful comments (Landgirl, I hadn't noticed the similarity between that lovely model and MM, but you're absolutely right, they do look a lot alike. According to the Flickr page, the model's name is Raspberry Rose:, which I think is a wonderfully pretty thing to call oneself, don't you?), everyone, they mean so very much to me!

    Huge hugs & joyful Thursday wishes to each of you!
    ♥ Jessica
