
August 28, 2009

Five For Friday {August 28, 2009}

...The weekend draws near, August’s last for nearly twelve more months. Time to savour the best of summer while simultaneously sitting on the edge of your set in anticipation for autumn. Crystal blue skies that will soon house harvest moons, fresh picked berries give way to pumpkin pies, tumbling leaves take the place of end-of-summer roses. Celebrate the next few in-between weeks and all they hold, they’re the gentle parting kiss from summer that will help you forget just how wildly fierce it can be at times...

♥ ♥ ♥

{To ensure you wake up on time for everything from classes to craft fairs this fall}

{First spied on my lovely friend Trains and Sewing Machine’s creative blog, this delightful Crosley alarm clock is thoroughly modern (it boasts a plug for your MP3 playter), but looks fantastically vintage. Plastic and stainless steel alarm clock, $58.00 (US) from Urban Outfitters.}

{To ease you into "coat weather" in the prettiest of vintage styles}

{Darling with high waisted trousers, casual skirts or even atop dresses, this versatile hued topper would look marvelous – and help keep you warm – as we transition into autumn. Cocoa brown, faux fur trimmed coat with a 37” bust and 34” waist, $58.00 (US) from etsy seller The Greedy Seasgul.}

{To capture the essence of any season or scent your heart desires and relive it time and time again}

{From the pages of the stellar (and perpetually inspirational) blog Indie Fixx, comes a comprehensive, thoroughly well constructed article on how to make your own perfume. Sniff out all the beautiful details here.}

{To beat the sizzling summer heat while still cleverly ushering in one of autumn’s most iconic flavours}

{If you love your apple pie ala mode (and really, who doesn’t?), than this recipe, which combines flavours from both of these classic desserts into one, is definitely for you!! Photo from, and recipe for cinnamon apple ice cream on, Tarla Dalal.}

{To keep you cool on toasty nights and then to nestle beneath a glamorous vintage robe when the mercury dips}

{Lace, bows, a gorgeous pale turquoise hue, heart trimming at the hem, what’s not to adore about this absolutely lovely vintage slip that could easily double as a warm weather night gown? 1950s slip with a 42” bust and 30-36” waist, $37.00 (US) from etsy seller Shrinkle.}

Enjoy these final few days of August, my dear readers. Spend time immersed in those season specific pastimes you love, take photos illuminated by deeply golden light while it's still present, and embrace the tail-end of this last full month of summer. I know I certainly will!

Wishing you each a gorgeous and serene weekend!


  1. Oh boy, I am off to buy that clock right now! lol

  2. Oh I can't wait for Fall! It's nearly 6:30 in the evening and still a whopping 105 degrees! I want some of that ice cream while wearing that gorgeous slip!

    Have a fabulous weekend!


  3. love that alarm clock!!!

  4. The slip is amazing. . .yes, it would be worn as a nightgown in this vintage gals boudoir! And that alarm clock is too cute. . .may have to be added to my wish list!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  5. Oh I love that vintage nightie, and it looks comfy.

    I've awarded you on my blog! Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo

  6. Oh thank you for posting a link to my blog! That's so sweet :)

    Hope you have an amazing weekend!!

  7. Oh I really want the alarm clock, love it. Thanks for a lovely week of posts my dear, have a lovely weekend.

  8. Oh man, I want that dress. Also, making my own fragrance? Oh man, I so don't need another hobby!

  9. MMMMh that cinnamon apple ice cream sounds goods even at 9.30 am!

  10. I love this post sooo much! I love how summer fades into fall and things begin to cool and wind down. I love the fall. Especially here in Maine. It actually is my favorit season. Not sure why.. maybe because the days are warm and the nights are so cool. Can't wait to go apple picking and pumpkin carving.

  11. Thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm delighted you like the journal. It was such a special thing for me to create throughout the summer, and thoroughly enjoyed. It made it easier to write.
    I certainly look forward to the Dubai summer's end, but I feel for the kids who go back to school tomorrow. (The week starts on Sunday here). The end of heat will be a relief though! We can actually go outside in the winter ;)

    much love;

  12. Dear Jessica! Unsure if first comment was processed or not! (Blogger probelems!!)

    Here goes again:

    Love the clock & ice cream - 100 F in Seville now!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    PS My current post, dear Jessica, you may find even more eerie than the Nora piano cat one!! You have been warned *wink* !! xx

  13. I just love the alarm clock! I thought is was vintage until I saw the ipod....too cute!

  14. @ Maggi, will you pick me up one, too? Please with sugar on top! :D

    @ Karyn, oh my word, 105 at 6pm is officially mad! We've had a somewhat cooler weekend, but I don't think autumn has arrived yet by any stretch. I hope things cool off in your neck of the woods really soon, my dear!

    @ Kathie, so do I, it is such a great example of vintage style being applied to modern piece without it coming across as being (too) kitsch or (what I've termed) "Disney 50s" (in which pieces have over sized buttons/knobs and loud colours that weren't on par with what pieces from the 50s would have really looked like).

    @ The Red Velvet Shoe, I would definitely wear it as a nightgown, too. It's much too beautiful to be hidden away all day under clothes.

    @ Simply Colette, thank you very much for the wonderful award, honey! I'm very touched that you bestowed it on Chronically Vintage.

    @ Trains and Sewing Machines, you're very welcome, sweetie! Thank you for blogging about your discovery that Urban Outfitters sells electronics, including such a stunning alarm clock.

    @ Dustjacket Attic, I really want that alarm clock, too! And a whole perfectly styled 50s house to match it :D Thank you very much for your lovely words! The very same sentiments to you as well, sweet soul! (And many happy congrats on your 100th post!)

    @ Jennifer Lee, I hear you there, darling - on both counts! I've got more hobbies and interests than I can shake a stick at, adding another one to the list might not be in my best interest ;P

    @ AlicePleasance, I agree, my dear, apple cinnamon ice cream sounds good any time of the day! For breakfast it would be so decadently delicious paired with crepes or French Toast, don't you think?

    @ Tracey, thank you very much for the lovely comment. Fall on the eastern seaboard is famous for its stunning beauty, so I really bet you get some breath-taking autumns in Maine. Canadian autumns can be lovely - even picturesque at times, too, but they're often rather short-lived compared to those enjoyed by our American friends.

    @ Cait, you're very welcome, sweet dear. Your journals truly are beautiful, soulful, creative works of art.

    @ Lorla, why thank you, honey!!!

    @ Nora & Lola, oh dear, this is the first comment from you in this post that I received, so I fear Blogger was being rather buggy if you posted a prior one that didn't show up. How very toasty in Seville, you both must help yourself to some of the apple cinnamon ice cream at once! :)

    @ Leproust Vintage, it is wonderfully authentic looking, I agree! I would love to adorn my nightstand with one :)

    Thank you each very much for your wonderful comments, it is always a joy to hear from all of you!!!

    Oodles of hugs & happy wishes for the week ahead!
    ♥ Jessica
