
June 18, 2009

Chronically Vintage now has its own domain!

While many people profess to dislike them, I’ve always been a fan of surprises – well at lease those of a positive nature. The routine and/or ongoing chaos of daily life can often result in a need for all the positive, unexpected moments the universe can throw at you.

{Who doesn’t adore a beautiful surprise from time-to-time? Image via myvintagelove’s Flickr stream.}

One such a delightful moment came my way in the very early hours of Wednesday morning when my husband surprised me by registering the domain name! We’d talked about doing so before, but I had no idea he was going to spring a domain of its own for this blog on me out of the blue.

I love Blogger and am definitely going to stick with their platform for the foreseeable future, but it’s absolutely fantastic to now know that we own the domain! My little corner of the vintage blogsphere now has its own, genuine, certified url!

The old Blogger url ( still works and should you type it in/click a link with that url, you’ll be redirected to the exact same blog that’s been here from day one. The only difference will be the url in your browser bar, which will now say

Darling husband has assured me (he’s the tech expert in this house) that the feed for this site will continue to work just as it always has, and that there shouldn’t be any problems when with either the old Blogger or new “independent” url. (Phew! I wouldn’t want my super lovely readers to risk missing out on any of the vintage goodness that goes on here!).

I’m so happy about having my own domain for Chronically Vintage, and must thank my wonderful husband from the bottom of my heart for sensing how important this blog is to me. You’re the best, my love, thank you for the fantastic surprise!


  1. I came in via my stats for, so I hope I don't loose your posts on blogger :-(

  2. Hi Matilda, thank you very much for letting me know what route brought you here, I hugely appreciate that.

    I don't believe that my posts themselves are in any danger (and in a truly worst case scenario, I do have them all backed up elsewhere, so in theory they could be recovered - though I shutter at the idea of something of that magnitude happening), but I'm getting a wee bit worried that perhaps those who follow the feed for this blog have ceased to receive new posts (via feed) as a result of the switch from a Blogger domain to my own url.

    I'm going to ask my husband again about this tomorrow (it's 4am here and he's fast asleep - lol, as I should be too ;D), and see if I can find out more definitely if what I suspect might be the case is true or not. I certainly don't want anyone who follows along to miss out on getting the feeds from my new posts, so I'll do my best to get to the bottom of this right away.

    Thank you again very much, my dear!!!
    ♥ Jessica

  3. Yay, that's so awesome - i personally love surprises, and this one is just lovely :)

  4. Oh how lovely! That was thoughtful of him and sounds like a perfect surprise!
    Roses really do have something special about them don't they?


  5. That was so sweet of him! See, he knows he's a lucky man ;)

  6. that is so exciting!!! what a wonderful hubby to deliver such a special surprise! you definitely deserve your own vintage corner in the blogsphere. i'm so happy we "met" b/c I honestly look forward to visiting your site everyday! :-) hope you have a restful weekend hunny!

  7. Congrats. That's so awesome. I'm really happy for you.

  8. @ Pretty Little Pictures, it was absolutely awesome! I think the world needs more good surprises like this one! We could all use a great little burst of unexpected happiness from time-to-time! :)

    @ Cait, thank you, honey. Yes, it was really thoughtful of him. He's like that though, more of a "catch you off guard on a random day with a surprise" than "go to town on holidays" kind of fellow. It adds a nice jolt of excitement to life :D

    @ Sher, I think you're right! :)

    @ MissRedLips, well aren't you just sweet enough to recruited by a candy company! Thank you very much, my dear. I'm uber happy that we met too, it's an absolute joy to chat with you and to follow your own awesome vintage blog.

    @ Keith, Thank you so much, that means a lot to me, my friend!

    I want to thank you all for your wonderful comments, and also to just mention as I blogged about on Friday afternoon (, that Blogger doesn't appear to be carrying on with providing feed through the old url of this site. This means that if you were previously subscribed to Chronically Vintage's feed, you'll need to subscribe again to the "new" feed (I'm so sorry about this!), so as to ensure you receive all future posts via your feed reader. (Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!)

    Happiest wishes for an awesome weekend to you all!
    ♥ Jessica

  9. Thank you very much, Darla sweetie!

    Big hugs!!!
    ♥ Jessica

  10. Lucky girl!!! What a sweet gift to surprise you with.

  11. Hi Diana, indeed it was a marvelous surprise - certainly the first domain name anyone has ever gifted to me! :)

    Thank you very much for your comment, my dear, I hope you have a lovely Wednesday!
    ♥ Jessica
