
May 23, 2009

Pretty Link Roundup {May 23rd}

The last weekend in May – and a long one for my lucky US readers, to boot – a time for shoreline frolicking, evening walks in the fading, glistening dusk sunlight, and a return to (at least in my Canadian mind) the reality that winter really and truly is behind at us at long last.

{Summer weather, you luscious creature, you, it’s about time you returned! Sun bathing beauty from a 1954 Vogue spread, found via myvintagevogue’s Flickr stream.}

This week I’ve gathered together a diverse assortment of vintage related links spanning everything from budget friendly shopping to bloomers made from vintage bed linen, which I really hope you’ll enjoy.

* The psychology of vintage: What drives one’s love of, and desire to dress in, vintage? Queens of Vintage probes these interesting questions and more (and you don’t have to pay $400 an hour or lay on a couch to root out the answers :D).

* How to shop for vintage (affordably): With the poor, mangled economy in the shape it is, and many people looking for ways to trim their spending costs, this article from Vixen Vintage couldn’t be more timely or handy. The very same sentiments apply equally to a terrific, photo-filled post on Student Charade entitled How to do 1950s style on a budget.

* Collecting Vintage Greeting Cards: Prefer your Hallmark moments to be vintage ones? Love the charming illustrations that graced greetings of the past? Enjoy gathering old school paper goods? If so, definitely check out the handy tips in this article.

* Lovely Lady of the week (Ava Gardner): Undeniably one of the most famous actresses of her time, Ava Gardner posses a graceful, naturally flirtatious beauty that came through strikingly well in photographs, such as those amassed in this pretty post.

* Bombshell Boudoirs and Decorating: From the pages of a delightfully beautiful blog I just discovered this past week called Red and Blonde, comes a photo post of some utterly drop-dead gorgeous bedrooms, that I could see both myself and many a silver-screen starlet in.

* You heard rumors about my bloomers: I love it when people take one item, weave some creative magic, and turn it into something entirely different. Case in point, a pair of wonderfully sweet bloomers fashioned from a handmade vintage sheet.

* Very early Angelica Houston: I’ve always thought that Angelica Houston was attractive, in a bold, naturally assertive, timelessly memorable sort of way, and this photo of her early on her career (sporting a fully mod look) makes an open and shut case when it comes to her stunning aesthetic.

* Stunning Vintage Ferrari brings $12.1 Million: Hmmm, what to do with that extra dozen or so million clams I’ve got kicking around? World’s largest etsy shopping spree? Small tropical island to call my own? A lifetime supply of high-end make-up? Hmmmm, all tempting, but not quite the ticket. I know, I’ll buy a $12.1 million dollar vintage Ferrari! Well, ok, I won’t, but one fabulously wealthy soul recently did and this photo filled article shares the details on this exceedingly pricey set of (albeit down-right amazing!) set of wheels. (Many thanks to my doll of a husband, who brought this story to my attention.)

Love the sometimes dramatic, sometimes reserved but always femininely pretty look of 1930s make-up? If so you’ll definitely dig this helpful step-by-step tutorial by Natasha Rae which shows you how to nail a glamorous, dark eyed 30s inspired face wonderfully well.

{1930s Make-up Tutorial}

What do you have planned this weekend, vintage dears? After a delish Italian summer out with darling hubby last night, I’m putting my shoulder to the wheel in preparation for upcoming company and taking care of a flurry of errands and chores (from giving the fridge a good scrubbing to sorting and organizing the last few months worth of magazines we’ve accumulated). But I don’t mind, housework and I actually get along quite swimmingly, and besides it’ll help burn off the yesterday evening’s pizza ;)

{Cherub adorned vintage postcard, discovered through riptheskull’s Flickr stream.}

To my US friends, happiest wishes for an excellent Memorial Day, and to my readers everywhere, I hope you each have a marvelous and sunny weekend!

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