
May 10, 2009

Celebrating Mother’s Day in vintage style

She is life, inspiration, beauty, towering strength, grace, wise, caring, responsible for so much of who you are. She is mom, mamma, mommy, ma, maman. Whether through blood or fate, she is yours to learn from, revere, dream, laugh and smile with, confide in, hug, and cherish.

{She is loved}

1. she is loved , 2. Paternal Grandmother (Voncille Harding) with baby Aunt Karen, 3. How to bath the baby, 4. Judy Garland and Joey Luft, 5. Vintage 1940's Mother's Day Card, 6. Welcome Baby, 7. mother's day, 8. Young Mother Holding a Baby, 9. Asheville Xmas 1952, 10. Tongue, 11. Doctor Dan, The Bandage Man; Illustrations by Corinne Malvern, 1950- Wounded Cowboy, 12. Mom, Linda, Sybil, Me, Don 1955, 13. Hush-a-bye Baby 1953 illustration by Eulalie{Click on a link to see a larger version of a particular image and/or for photographer information}

To every mom, grandmother and woman who tackles the role, may this day be as truly special as you are!

Happiest Mother’s Day wishes, ladies of the world!


  1. A beautiful collage ... nice site too, gal after my own heart!

  2. Thank you very much, Moonspinner! I just popped by your awesome blog and am in love with it! Not only do you really dig vintage, you're a book lover like myself!

    It's a joy to make your acquaintance; I really look forward to following your blog and have added it to my blog role here on Chronically Vintage.

    Many thanks again & have a gorgeous Sunday!

  3. Oh your a sweetheart, I've joined yours too!
    Have a great day.xx

  4. That is so amazing. I really like it a lot. You've got a cool blog.

  5. @ Moonspinner, thank you, that's really sweet of you!

    @ Keith, thank you so much for the lovely comment, what a wonderful note to end my week on.

    Wishing you both an absolutely fantastic week full of vintagey goodness ahead! :)

  6. Wonderful blog!!! Enjoyed my visit!!!

