
April 17, 2009

First day of life

Late one Friday night when a good chunk of the world was either asleep or partying like was 1999 (weekends somehow mean even more during these rough times, so you have to rock it with all your heart), a blog devoted to one woman's never-ending love of all things vintage, rockabilly, retro and pin-up style was born.

{Image via MsBlueSky on Flickr, corners nixed thanks to RoundPic}

Weighing in at...well, websites are weightless, but let's just say 5.7 pounds (in honour of the best year for Chevies), Chronically Vintage came into the world with a smile on its face and an Andrews Sisters song in its heart.

Once the blog's mother has grabbed a few winks, set some pin curls and replied her ruby red lipstick, she will definitely write a more thorough introduction post.


  1. Dear Jessica,

    Here I am at the beginning of your wonderful blog, so glad that you, this day, decided to enter the world of blogging.

    ♥ Hope

    1. Thank you deeply, Hope. I adore the fact that, some 3.5 years after its birth, you're the first person to comment on this post. That truly means a lot to me.

      ♥ Jessica

  2. Just found your blog when I was Googling vintage clothing from 1940s & intend to read the whole thing, from the beginning. Despite the proliferation of vintage blogs, it is still a thrill to find a kindred spirit who shares my taste.

    1. Hello my dear, thank you very much for your wonderfully lovely comment - what a surprise to see one arrive for my very first post all these years later. I hope you have an awesome time reading through my older posts, and am always happy to chat vintage anytime you'd like.

      ♥ Jessica

  3. Dear Jessica,

    I love the way you write. And oh, what an absolutely adorable picture you have chosen for your story.

    Love you!

    1. Thank you dearly, sweet Hope. It always touches me to the core when someone visits my very first post here. It really is hard to believe that this entry was penned five years ago precisely. What an amazing blogging journey it has been, and continues to be, ever since. Made all the more richer and wonderful because of fantastic readers and online friends like you.

      ♥ Jessica

  4. Had to see how it all started. I'm so glad you did.

    1. I'm touched that you did, dear Debra. I often do the same thing when I discover a blog that really speaks to me as well.

      Thank you very much for all of your terrific comments today,
      ♥ Jessica

  5. I also had to see how it was born, you are my blog drug. :)

    1. You thoroughly and completely rock, dear Sanne. I'm touched that you hopped in the imaginary time machine, set the date to 2009, and paid this inaugural post a visit. Thank you, my sweet friend.

      Huge hugs,
      ♥ Jessica
