
December 31, 2012

Thank you all for an awesome 2012!

As I delved into last Friday in my post about 12 ways I improved my life in 2012, this has been one the best years for Tony and I in our whole lives, and we are grateful beyond measure for this fact. 2012 was, over all, so terrific that I’m almost a tad leery to see the ball drop on it tonight. Part of me wants to linger a little longer, basking in the wonderfulness of the past twelve months and stretching it out as long as possible (a feeling I honestly can't recall ever having before - at least not as an adult).

Time however, has other plans entirely, and whether I'm ready to wave buh-bye to 2012 or not, come tomorrow morning a brand new year will be upon us all. No matter what 2013 has up its sleeve, I know that one extremely lovely point will continue on into the new year, and that is all of you.

Yes, you! Each and every single one of you has helped to contribute to this blog in your own way, by following it, commenting, emailing me, and sharing your own sites (and Pinterest accounts!) with me all year long. I've never been the type to have a million and one real world friends, but I'm blessed to say that I have made countless dear and wonderful friends through my blog and involvement with the online vintage community.

You enrich my life, help inspire my wardrobe, share your knowledge, encourage and support me, are there to share the good times and the bad with, and help fuel my writing mojo on even the toughest of days.

I cherish my readers and want you all to know that you helped contribute to why 2012 was such fabulous year that it was for me. Thank you very much for being a part of my world and in turn opening up yours to me.

{Lovely vintage New Year's postcard via The Graphics Fairy}

From the bottom of my heart I wish you each a New Year's celebration - and year ahead - that sparkles and abounds with unparalleled happiness, tons of great memories, excellent health, the utmost of success, and scores of incredible vintage finds!!!


  1. It's so wonderful and uplifting to see someone genuinely cherishing the time we do have and making each moment and person count. You are constantly amazing me, Jessica, with your ability to find joy in things others take for granted. Thank you xxx

  2. Such a sweet post, dear Jessica! I wish you the loveliest new year!

  3. Happy New Year Jessica! I hope your blessings in 2013 are even more abundant than 2012!


  4. wonderful post ...
    lovely greets and
    happy new year 2013.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  5. Happy New Year to you too Jessica! :)

  6. We feel the same way about you, dear one. Your blog has been extraordinary this year. I'm sure 2013 will treat you and Tony even better.

  7. I cherish you!!! Thank you for all you do. Happy New Year!

    1. That is so tremendously sweet, thank you deeply, Mary. I wholeheartedly cherish you as well.

      Happiest wishes for 2013, dear lady!
      ♥ Jessica

  8. So sweet!! Thank you too and a very Happy new year. I hope 2013 is filled with blessings and happiness xxx

  9. Happy New Year, Jessica!! I've been blessed to have met you this year. No matter what you always have an encouraging word for me. That means the world to me.

    1. Dear Sean, I feel exactly the same way. You have such a sweet, beautiful spirit and I have truly loved getting to know you better throughout this past year.

      With all my heart, I hope, and am wishing on a star, that 2013 is an awesomely lovely for you, my friend!

      ♥ Jessica

  10. Happy New Year's Eve, Jessica! I'm so happy to have found your blog this year and have enjoyed reading all the lovely things you've written! Looking forward to many more wonderful posts from you in 2013!

  11. Happy New Year from our home to yours :o)

  12. Happy New Year Jessica!! I'm so happy to have "met" you this year!

  13. dear...thank YOU for a very lovely blog! I really enjoy reading your posts and following your vintage adventures! Here's wishing you a fabulous celebration of new hope and great things to come in 2013...may you always be blessed with happiness...Happy New Year my dear!
    May x
    ps: I'm so glad you liked the One Lovely Blog Award! xx

  14. Happy New Year! Such a wonderful post. I am so glad to have been able to exchange delightful comments with you over the last year!


  15. Hope 2013 turns out just as fabulous as 2012... your comments are always so positive, I love hearing from you every time. Happy New Year :)

  16. Thank you for being such a sweet person!! I hope that you and your family have the most wonderful new year, and that every day that passes brings you more happiness!! :D

  17. Happy New Year to you! What lovely sentiments; it never ceases to amaze me how blogging can bring people closer together, regardless of the distances involved. Here's wishing you all the best for 2013.

  18. Happy New Year and thanks for the inspiration! You can check out my 13 Things To Accomplish In 2013 and my 12 Things I'm glad I did in 2012 at these links:

    L A

  19. Thank you, Jessica!
    Was a real pleasure meeting you in 2012!
    Hope our blogger friendship continue throughout this new year!
    wish you all the best!

  20. Many happy returns to you Jessica! Here's to a wonderful and happy New Year!

  21. A very Happy New Year Jessica! I hope that 2013 will be as good for you as 2012 was.

  22. i hope you and yours had a wonderfull start in 2013! :)

  23. You're completely right about blogging enriching the life of ourselves and others. By writing, rading and sharing our common interests we open so many doors into other worl'd's and places. I feel very blessed to be counted amoungst your throng of blogster firnds. Here's to 2013! xx Shauna

  24. And thank you for blogging, and commenting on my blog! You really know how to brighten one's day with your nice words! I wish you a marvelous 2013, sweet gal!

  25. What a fabulous post- wishing you all the success and more importantly happiness in this coming year. Janine xx

  26. You're welcome! :) And you are such a lovely person who inspires me a lot too. I am so in love with your blog.

    1. Awww, thank you deeply, dear Sanne, that truly means a lot to me. You're such a thoughtful person and I adore having you as a reader, as well as visiting your own delightful blog.

      Wishing you all the best in 2013, my friend!
      ♥ Jessica
